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Calyos - Advanced Loop Heat Pipe cooling solutions 先進LHP冷卻技術

是不是希望有一台超強電腦,但是希望他可以安靜點呢? 比利時瓦隆尼亞區有間公司Calyos最近發展了一種新的技術完全可以滿足您的需求。藉由他們最新進的冷卻技術,在資料中心、電信業界、以及有電力轉換需求的應用如鐵路及可再生能源等而聲名大噪。今年他們的NSG S0原型在美國CES展贏得兩項創新大獎。一個沒有風扇, 抽水筒, 水以及噪音的底座,最適合高端電子產品, 更是玩家的理想選擇。Calyos現在正在尋找經銷台灣市場的合作夥伴,近期也將在台北成立辦公室囉

Do you want a powerful computer but not the noise that comes with it? The Belgian Walloon company Calyos developed a new technology which provides just that. With its advanced cooling solutions it had already made a name for itself in electronic equipment for data centers and telecom and for power conversion applications in for instance the railway and renewables sector. But at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas it won two innovation awards with its NSG S0 prototype, a chassis without fan, pump, water or noise which supports high end electronics, ideal for gamers. Calyos is now looking for partnerships with PC manufacturers and integrators and therefore very recently opened an office in Taipei.

Source: @belgianofficetaipei