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列日(Liège)一直努⼒吸引外國生技醫療技術公司入駐,現今已有來自法國、美國、奧地利、甚至澳洲等世界各地的公司在此設點。列日已成為生物科技公司和海外醫療技術引進的黃金之都。如最新入駐的年輕澳洲公司Clarity Pharmaceuticals,專精於核醫領域,即透過瓦隆尼亞外貿投資總署(AWEX)的服務與協助,順利落腳於這個新的商務中心。列日目前有72家生命科學領域公司,每年可創造100多個新的工作機會。此外,平均每兩個月就有一家新的生技醫療公司入駐。從1990年代開始,列日即致力於生技領域的發展,如列日大學的衍生公司,Mithra和 Kitozyme就是很好的案例:Mithra 專精於婦女保健產品,已打入國際市場,其中AWEX的支持對其跨國轉型至關重要,使其得以和大約40個國家/地區簽訂合約;Kytozyme 主要開發保健產品的植物原料,同樣也在 AWEX 協助下開拓了歐盟以外的新市場。事實上,還有許多公司也從AWEX 的幫助中受益,如Diagenode 或 Physiol。列日除了吸引心臟病、神經科學等相關醫療領域與技術的公司外,實際上已成為生技醫療公司通往國際市場的大門。

Liège does not stop attracting foreign biotech or medical companies in search of a favorable environment to prosper. Liège has become the Eldorado of biotechnology companies and foreign medical technologies, coming from all corners of the world of biotech, one finds companies French, American, Austrian and even Australian. The latest, Clarity Pharmaceuticals, a young Australian company specializing in the field of nuclear medicine, which through the support services of the Walloon Agency for export and foreign investment (AWEX) to settle in this new business center ‘activity. Liège currently has 72 companies active in the life sciences that create more than one hundred new jobs per year. In addition, every two months on average, a new biotech or medtech company moves into the region.

               Regional development from the 1990s was impressive, several spins-off from the University of Liege such as Mithra or Kitozyme are a perfect example for the region. The first one, specializing in women's health products, has gradually developed internationally. AWEX's support was crucial to its transnational transformation, which allowed it to sign contracts in some 40 countries. The second one, is dealing with plant ingredients for developing health products, here again, AWEX helped the company to prospect new markets outside the EU. Many other companies have benefited from this aid, such as Diagenode or Physiol. Liège has indeed become a gateway to the internationalization of these companies besides it becomes attractive for other companies that develop skills in the fields of cardiology, neuroscience, etc.Liège does not stop attracting foreign biotech or medical companies in search of a favorable environment to prosper. Liège has become the Eldorado of biotechnology companies and foreign medical technologies, coming from all corners of the world of biotech, one finds companies French, American, Austrian and even Australian. The latest, Clarity Pharmaceuticals, a young Australian company specializing in the field of nuclear medicine, which through the support services of the Walloon Agency for export and foreign investment (AWEX) to settle in this new business center ‘activity. Liège currently has 72 companies active in the life sciences that create more than one hundred new jobs per year. In addition, every two months on average, a new biotech or medtech company moves into the region.

               Regional development from the 1990s was impressive, several spins-off from the University of Liege such as Mithra or Kitozyme are a perfect example for the region. The first one, specializing in women's health products, has gradually developed internationally. AWEX's support was crucial to its transnational transformation, which allowed it to sign contracts in some 40 countries. The second one, is dealing with plant ingredients for developing health products, here again, AWEX helped the company to prospect new markets outside the EU. Many other companies have benefited from this aid, such as Diagenode or Physiol. Liège has indeed become a gateway to the internationalization of these companies besides it becomes attractive for other companies that develop skills in the fields of cardiology, neuroscience, etc.