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位於比利時Seraing的John Cockerill 公司強化其在綠色氫能領域的世界領導地位

高度看好綠色能源前景並以之作為其技術發展主要方向的比利時公司John Cockerill (前身為CMI)剛與法商Air Liquide簽了一項重要合約,將供應用來生產氫氣的電解槽。這項合約將可強化該集團在綠色氫能領域的世界領導地位。這五台總容量為25兆瓦的大型電解槽,將安裝在台灣的兩個生產基地以服務台灣半導體產業,以每小時5000標準立方米的速度將水轉化為超純氫氣。這些電解槽可採用源自化石燃料的原料來生產氫氣,由於有部分可用再生能源提供動力,因此預估每年可減少2萬噸的二氧化碳排放。John Cockerill再生能源負責人Raphael Tilot表示,公司期許將以更具競爭力的價格來滿足市場上大規模生產綠色氫能的增長需求。成立於1817年的John Cockerill,在全球22個國家中擁有6000名員工,年營業額約12.6億歐元。
Seraing: John Cockerill strengthens his position as the world's No1 green hydrogen

John Cockerill will supply Air Liquide with 25 MW of electrolysers for the Taiwanese market. With this contract, John Cockerill, based in Seraing, Belgium, a major player in the production of hydrogen by water electrolysis, strengthens its position among the world leaders in green hydrogen and also in the energy transition. These 5 large electrolysers will be installed at 2 production sites in Taiwan and will serve the semiconductor industry. They will allow the transformation of water into ultra-pure hydrogen at a rate of 5,000 Nm3/hour. Water electrolysis allows the production of hydrogen with raw materials from fossil fuels. Since these electrolysers will be partly powered by renewable energy, they will avoid an estimated annual emission of 20,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2). Raphael Tilot, head of renewable energy at John Cockerill says that their ambition is clearly to meet the growing demand for large-scale production of green hydrogen at competitive prices. The firm, which has been in existence since 1817, has 6,000 employees and a turnover of 1.26 billion euros in 22 countries.